In October 2020, the Stop Hunger Foundation launched its first ever Sodexo employee survey asking our main fundraising and volunteering contributors to help shape our future focus. Now is the time to reveal the results and what changes the Foundation is making.
Sodexo employees make up the heart of Stop Hunger and are the main force behind both our fundraising and volunteering efforts.
As Stop Hunger looks to life during and after Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Foundation took the opportunity to review its work and make sure that as our main contributors, Sodexo employees have the confidence to continue arranging, participating in, and promoting Stop Hunger activities.
Part of this review included the launch of the Foundation’s first ever Sodexo employee survey. The survey was their opportunity to directly share their thoughts and experiences on volunteering and fundraising, whether they had participated in Stop Hunger activities in the past or not.
In total, 277 Sodexo employees participated in the survey. Their views, combined with suggestions made by Business in the Community (BITC), contributed to a body of research that ensures the success of Stop Hunger’s work throughout the pandemic and beyond.
The changes Stop Hunger will be making over the coming months, as well as a breakdown of the survey’s responses, can be downloaded here.
Some of the changes being made are simple, addressing long-term process concerns, whilst others require more work behind the scenes to make sure Sodexo employees are getting the support they need to carry on delivering positive social impact in local communities across the UK and Ireland.
If you have any questions about the survey results and the changes outlined in the document above, please contact the Stop Hunger team via email.